For women who are spinning a million plates in their professional and personal lives and feel as though they are at their wits end – feeling overwhelmed, like they could ‘crash and burn’ at any minute, if they don’t get some support.
We will cream the top off the pressure and frustration you are feeling, and create a simple plan of action that will make everything feel more manageable.
This one off coaching 'power hour' session will help you feel more in control of your current situation so that you can start the process of creating the change you need to have better work/life harmony.

For when it all gets too much – get a coach!

This one off 'Power Hour' coaching session will help you to:
🌸 Reflect on your current situation and identify what needs to change for you to feel calm and in control of your life
🌸 Identify what is in your control to change, what you could influence what is out of your control and what you need to let go of
🌸 Prioritise what you need to focus on, that will release the pressure and overwhelm that make you feel stuck, stressed and hopeless
🌸 Create a list of five small actions you can start working through immediately that are simple and manageable, that you feel will alleviate your stress

You will want to sign up to this mini offer if you:
🌺 Want to take your foot off the gas for one session, to get clarity around what you need to do instantly to give you the head space to create positive lasting change in your life.
🌺 Have identified that you are not in a great place in terms of your ability to enjoy life, function positively or manage your work or home activities effectively
🌺 Are ready to drop the struggle, reduce the overwhelm and reduce the sense that you don’t know where to start in sorting your life out.
🌺 Ready to take the action necessary to reduce the pressure enough that you can then take back control of your life and make the positive changes you need to instigate a more harmonious life?

Hi, I’m Lucy and I have been in exactly the same situation you find yourself in today.
I understand how awful it can feel to know you are spinning a million plates and you feel frozen in time, unable to keep them going and fearing they are all going to fall around you. I can fully empathise in wishing you knew where to start creating changes to improve the situation, but feeling unable to decide where to start. I also know that if I can get out of that situation, so can you. And I am here to support you to make the first small, achievable steps on your journey to calm and harmony.
I created this offer so that I can help other women who find themselves in the same place that I have been, to find their way out of the fog, and into a clearer place. In this session we will discuss your current situation, how you got there and how you are feeling. We will then identify the areas in your life that are the most important and what needs to change for them to improve. Finally, we will create five simple, achievable actions that you can take to lift a little of the pressure, and feel more able to keep moving forward to a more positive place.
When it all gets too much one off session - investment £175
Book in now using the button below.

Ready to get started?
Disclaimer - Please note, this mini session is not suitable for you if you feel that you are experiencing significant mental health issues. Coaching is not the same as therapy or medical support, so please seek appropriate help if you are really struggling.

Tel: +44 7507 634378