When you want more than 'just a coach'

Lucy's provides her 'Mary Poppins' bag of professional skills and life experience, along with a sprinkling of warmth, humour, creativity and care.

My Mission

To help women find greater clarity, purpose and passion in both their personal and working lives.

Providing a range of services that meet individual and organisational needs, through the provision of a powerful, insightful and motivational experience.

My Values

Making a Difference - work for lasting change and improvement to individuals lives

Compassion - seek to serve with empathy, care and sensitivity, in a non-judgemental space

Diversity & Inclusion - we acknowledge different life experiences and nurture a sense of belonging for all

Respect - we are professional and we value everyone and treat them fairly

Integrity - we do what is right - a trustworthy brand

Honesty - transparent practices and clear communications

Get to know Lucy

Lucy lives in Dorset with two of her four adult children and a number of cats and dogs. She is at her happiest enjoying the coastline and countryside with her family and friends.  She holds strong values around compassion, honesty, contribution and integrity.

Lucy has worked in the healthcare arena for decades as a nurse, midwife, health visitor and senior safeguarding practitioner. She then stepped away from clinical practice to develop coaching and mentoring programmes, was an EDI lead and organisational development manager (compiling, implementing, delivering leadership development programmes).    She never underestimates the impact that health, happiness and wellbeing can have on individuals.

Lucy found coaching and mentoring in recent years and is passionate about them. She tends to blend the two so she can utilise her lived experience, training and knowledge to enhance her work.  She has a warm, empathetic and kind nature which is emitted through her work. She is confident to challenge, offers energy and inspiration, and has an innovative way about her. She strives to make every client leave their session or programme feeling revitalized and focused on achieving their best every day.

Her biggest personal breakthrough was when she stopped people pleasing and striving to manage societal pressures, and believing that others opinions mattered more than her own, and now lives a life where she feels she can be her authentic self.  This is the core of her work.

She focuses on raising self awareness and developing powerful strategies to help her clients move beyond their perceived limits to improve their relationships and performance, and achieve their ambitions. She is highly intuitive and creative, making sessions fun, thought provoking and inspiring. Her approach to coaching embodies self-belief, confidence and resilience so that her clients can flourish both at work and at home.

Lucy is particularly interested in supporting people at times of transition in career and life when there is a chance that overwhelm or exhaustion can detrimentally impact the fruition of their dreams and ambitions.

'I've been through my fair share of challenges in life and that helps me to empathize and relate to the individuals I support'.

She knows how hard it can be to be spinning the plates of a number of equally significant elements of life, whilst striving for, and maintaining a successful career.

'I have faced divorce, grief, job losses and I am a carer, so I have a toolkit of experience, skills, methods and mindsets to support my practice'.

Lucy believes that coaching provides the approach, support and time required for self-exploration, balance and gaining clarity.

'We all have the answers to our most pressing questions, but they can sometimes be hidden under the day-to-day chaos of our lives.'

When women have worked so hard to achieve career success, Lucy believes that having a coach to support them on their journey, balancing all of life's responsibilities, challenges and pressures can make all the difference.

'I can walk along beside you, be your confidential, professional ally. Through building a relationship based on trust, transparency, compassion and honesty, I can provide you with the time, space and freedom to explore, process and plan your next steps'.


Definition: 'to be trustworthy or honest, real or genuine'

Lucy embeds authenticity into her work as she see's this as being a vital component of living a valuable life. Achieving authenticity can be challenging. We are often torn between who we are, who people want us to be and the image we chose to put out to the world to satisfy both camps.

There are huge social pressures and expectation to conform, and when social media tells us that our peers are living happy harmonious lives, we begin to build an image that tells the world everything is perfect. We send out photographs of seasonal events where everyone is perfectly dressed and smiling - not the reality of the chaos it took to achieve it. We tell people stories of beautiful moments and blissful memories. It's not real the whole story. It's not our truth.

Not being authentic prevents us from being truthful, honest and real. We hide behind those beautiful images with heavy hearts. We lose who we really are, our identities.  We deserve lives that are not just successful, but full of joy, deep connection and the freedom to be ourselves.

Lucy describes how she strived for years to be the daughter, sister and friend she thought her community wanted her to be. She did more courses, more exams, went for promotions and listened for the feedback that she was doing so well. Yet the pressure was immense and it impacted on her relationships and her children. Once she let go of the demands she was putting on herself to people please, the pressure reduced and her pace of life reflected that.

Stepping out of this façade is not always easy, and people are not always supportive. They are just as happy to receive the fabricated slice of perfection rather than have to face the truth. But when you do step up and tell everyone at work what a nightmare the picnic was, or the relationship is struggling, or you are not well, the decent, kind and supportive, true friends and colleagues will step up and offer you a hand.

And once you are being your authentic self, the weight will lift from your shoulders and you can express yourself, ask for help or just move towards living the beautiful honest and real life you want.  You will feel empowered to lead in your personal and social lives, able to thrive, fostering a community where every aspect of everyone is nurtured - crafting a life of profound joy and fulfillment.

Mother, home maker & friend

Raised four children alone Trusted friend Creatively managed home and work life whilst building a career

Clinical healthcare

Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor & Safeguarding

Degree in Public Health (SCPHN)

Executive coach

ILM7 Coach, Mentor & Leadership Facilitator

Member of the EMCC


Navigated significant life challenges and succeeded

Lucy - the professional coach

Lucy already had a success career within the health arena area, both private sector and in the UK NHS, when she realized that she could take supporting people to develop and achieve, by utilizing coaching.

She initially trained as a life coach with the Coaching Academy, she then completed the ILM7 Coaching & Mentoring for Executive and Senior Level with Intuition. To maintain her skills, she regularly attends Continuous Professional Development training, undertakes Coaching Supervision and is a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council.

Lucy has been awarded the EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) and Professional Designation at Practitioner level.

Lucy has developed coaching and mentoring services for two NHS organisations, facilitated coaching skills workshops for managers and coached for the NHS Leadership Academy.

She has taken her coaching qualifications and blended them with her genuine passion for making a difference and life experience, to create her unique business approach.