Feeling like you are spinning in circles trying to fix everything, organise everyone, whilst tripping over the laundry and sending off emails?

Maybe you don’t feel like yourself, nothing is done as well as you would like and you have lost your passion for things that once meant so much to you. You are exhausted, frustrated and feel like you are existing, rather than living.

Level up your life to create Work Life Harmony

Leave behind stress overwhelm and lack of identity and welcome the work life harmony you deserve

Maybe you’re feeling:

  • Close to burnout - poor sleep, poor concentration, over emotional

  • That you’ve lost who you are in amongst your overflowing to-do list

  • That you’ve ticked all the right ‘life boxes’ but aren’t feeling fulfilled

  • Lacking joy and positivity

  • Under pressure, unappreciated and a bit lost

This is all too common, and as society continues to put higher demands on us as busy working mothers, you have identified that something needs to change. Life does not have to be this hard and together, we can put a smile back on your beautiful face.


'A good coach can change the game. A great coach can change a life'

Introducing the Work Life Harmony Coaching Package

Over six sessions we work together so I can support you to reflect on and review key areas of your life and go through my Level Up Your Life Framework.

I’ll coach you through identifying the key changes and shifts you need to make so you can transform those experiences of overwhelm, pressure and lack of fulfilment into calm, joyfulness and motivation.

This is an opportunity for you to step away from the pressures of daily life and spend some calm, focused and valuable time thinking about what really matters to you.

'There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.'

Michelle Obama

If you're ready to...

  • Get to know and understand the current version of you and what she needs to thrive

  • Understand how to maintain balance in your life and get your needs met as well as everyone else's

  • Wake up each morning feeling excited about what the day holds

  • Identify what you need to prioritise so your energy goes where it is needed most

  • Start making small changes that will create positive shifts

At the very least, when you work with me, I can guarantee that during your six sessions, at a minimum, you will be respected, listened to and supported. You will get a sense that I can empathise with your lived experiences, and will work with you so that you have clarity about what needs to change in your life in order that you can ‘level up’.

The ‘Level up your life’ framework provides you with six coaching sessions, planned to allow time for you to integrate some gentle changes into your life in between calls.

Although there is a structure to this package, it is possible to adapt the content to ensure it is relevant to you as an individual. This package is about more than achieving better work and life balance, it is about creating changes that will increase your energy and support positive lasting change.

Level up your life to create Work Life Harmony

Leave behind stress overwhelm and lack of identity and welcome the work life harmony you deserve

The Work Life Harmony Package includes:

  • Six coaching sessions - each focusing on a specific area that impacts both work and personal life, designed to help you create lasting change

  • Workbooks and extra resources to support you to implement the shifts you experience in your coaching sessions

  • In between session support via email

Hi, I’m Lucy - and I get what it’s like to feel the way you’re feeling right now.

I’ve lived this balancing act for decades, largely as a single parent to four children, searching for work that I enjoyed (that also paid the bills).

At times I felt drained, as though I had no choices, my life was mundane and that I was the lowest priority in my life. Goodness knows what I would have done to have someone to walk along beside me on that challenging journey - supporting and encouraging me to aspire to more!

That is why I designed this coaching framework - to support women just like me.

I bring my Mary Poppins bag, loaded with my training, life experiences, skills and knowledge, to support you on your path to happiness. I get such joy from coaching women just like you! I bring compassion, understanding and empathy, but also the energy, expertise, and passion to inspire you to create lasting change in your life.

You are in safe hands.

This is for:

🌸 Busy working women

🌸 Women who are struggling to balance additional responsibilities such as being a carer

🌸 Women who may have a experiences a significant life event such as a bereavement or divorce

🌸 Women who have a chronic physical health condition to manage

🌸 Women who are just done with this thing called life feeling too damn hard!

Coaching is not an appropriate service if you have significant mental health needs, in which case, you should approach a qualified mental health practitioner, or your GP for support.

Ready to get started?

Book in for a free discovery call with me below.

This is so we can ensure that this package is going to be the right fit for you. After that call, if you’d like to go ahead we will get started!

If you have any questions about the package or working with me, please email me at info@lucyfernandezconsultancy.co.uk


But I’m already super overwhelmed, will this not just be another thing on my plate? I totally understand how this can feel - I’ve been there too. Although it seems like too much right now, if you can implement a few small changes in your life after each session, you will see things getting easier. We can take things at your pace.

How can I justify investing this money on myself? Only you know the answer to that, but what I can tell you is that if you are feeling exhausted, miserable and wrung out, something has to change. When was the last time you invested in your happiness?

How does coaching work? I have seen amazing results from both me being coached, and in situations where I have been the coach. There is great evidence from research around the outcomes of coaching. It is vital that the relationship between coach and coachee is good - therefore a ‘discovery call’ is important to ensure we are a good fit. What you put into coaching impacts what you get out of it. It’s your investment in working on yourself and implementing the actions between sessions that will create the greatest results